Library and Community Group Classes for Children & Youth

Welcome to the Library & Community Group Children & Youth Classes!

Spring (Mar - May)

Spring (Mar - May)

Out from Hibernation: Reptiles & Amphibians!
Without the extra protection of fur or feathers, reptiles and amphibians need a safe place to hibernate during winter. When spring arrives, where will they emerge? Bring your pencil and paper as we discover who is hopping, swimming and slithering into spring! In this class, we journal the Wood Frog and the Painted Turtle.

Summer (June - Aug)

Summer (June - Aug)

At Dawn and Dusk
Many animals are most active just before sunrise and just after sunset. Dawn and dusk are two unique times that host a diversity of birds, mammals and insects. In this class, we journal the Barred Owl and the Common Raccoon.

Fall (Sept - Nov)

Fall (Sept - Nov)

Morning in the Meadow
The bright and open space of the meadow is home to many plants and animals. Explore the meadow to discover how its plants thrive and provide food, shelter and protection for animals. In this class, journal the American Goldfinch and the Red-legged Grasshopper.

Winter (Dec - Feb)

Winter (Dec - Feb)

Amazing Winter Wildlife
In forests and fields, a variety of wildlife meet winter's challenge of finding food and keeping warm. In this class, discover the amazing birds and mammals that are active in the cold winter months and journal the Hairy woodpecker and the Snowy owl.