Primary Classes

Primary Classes

Start your online nature adventure here! Choose from the following classes for your students in Grades 2 - 3.


Habitats provide everything plants and animals need to survive. What makes a habitat more suitable for certain plants than others? What features does a habitat offer that attracts some animals and discourages others? Each class explores how a unique habitat meets the essential needs of shelter, food and water for a variety of plants and animals. Sketch and journal one plant and one animal.

Class 1: At the Pond

It's always busy at the pond. Peer through the cattails to discover where nests are being made, what areas are best for basking and who's finding food at the pond edge.

Class 2: In the Meadow

Walk carefully into the meadow. Enjoy the variety of pollinators in the flowers and closely investigate all that is rustling beneath. Discover who has found protection under the leaves, who has found a snack between the stems and who has made a burrow in the soil.



Plants are amazing organisms! But what exactly IS a plant? What are the parts of a plant? What does it need to live and grow? Each class explores the life cycle of a unique plant and its relationship with animals. Sketch and journal one plant and one animal.

Class 3: All Around the Sunflower

Explore the life cycle of a sunflower and discover the variety of insects, birds and mammals that benefit from this gentle giant of a plant.

Class 4: Marvelous Milkweed

Explore Milkweed through its stages of growth and discover its amazing relationship with a variety of arthropods.


Animal Physical Characteristics

Animals grow into adulthood in different ways and have unique features that help them adapt and survive in their environment. In these classes, explore the growth and key physical features of a variety of animals. Sketch and journal two species.

Class 5: How do I Grow and Change?

Some animals are born as mini versions of their parents, while others are born completely different. Discover and compare animal life cycles, from birth to adult, and all the fun and awkward changes in between.

Class 6: Amazing Body Parts

Would you prefer to have wings, six legs or a hard shell? Imagine tasting with your feet! Or smelling with your tongue! Investigate a variety of amazing animal body parts and discover how they help animals to breathe, move, eat and communicate.

Animal Physical Characteristics

Animal Behaviours

Some animals are active during the day, while others are active at night. Some animals hibernate, while others migrate. Discover the daily and seasonal behaviours of a variety of species. In each class, sketch and journal two animals.

Class 7: Who's Hibernating?

Seasonal changes affect the behaviour of all animals. Many spend the winter hidden, tucked away in burrows, crevices and cocoons. Investigate the hibernating behaviours that ensure the safety and survival of a variety of overwintering animals.

Class 8: Winter Residents

Ontario winters bring shorter days, colder temperatures and snow. Even with thicker fur and plumage, animals must adapt their behaviours to overwinter in their habitat. Explore behaviours in a variety of animals that are active in winter.

Animal Behaviours


All living things need nutritious food, and clean air and water, to live and grow. From the energy in sunlight, to green leaves, fruit, nuts and meat, these classes investigate the diets of a diversity of plants and animals. Sketch and journal two species

Class 9: I'm Hungry! What Do I Eat?

What do you like to eat that gives you energy? Is your food in winter different from your food in summer? Is your diet changing as you grow? Explore a variety of animal diets during different seasons and stages of growth.

Class 10: Where's Dinner? How Do I Get my Food?

Animals can't go to the grocery store to chose their food, so how do they get their nutrition? From hunters and trappers to grazers and gatherers, explore a variety of animals and their techniques for getting their meals.
